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Tuesday 15 April 2014

Birthday Celebration on 10 April & 11 April :))

Hey Everyone!

Finally got the time to blog.. Sorry my dear readers as I am preparing for my exams which is next month ~ *SIANness* However I will try my very best to blog whenever there is FREE time for me to do so :)) Thanks for reading as well.. Appreciate much!!! :))

Soooo what happen LAST WEEK?!?!
I would say it has been a while since I've enjoyed myself fully without thinking so much on work and study! I had my BFFs birthday celebrations on 10 April and 11 April.

10 April - is the celebration for my BFF - Georgina's , belated in actual fact because her birthday falls on 8th April.. Nevertheless I was super SUPER super happy to celebrate with her that day!!! :)) I've bought her a Calvin Klein watch which coincidentally is her favourite brand and is on her WISHLIST some more!!! BFF TTM!!! :) We also had the similar mindset too~ we decided to go have our dinner at Food For Thought (one of my selected list of cafe/ restaurant for our dinner)... so we went to Singapore National Museum Food For Thoughts Cafe where they served more varieties of delicious food as compared to cafe located in Victoria Street... And now you might be asking... How is the food??? What is the food reviews???

(cr: Food For Thoughts - Photo taken by ME)

I've ordered Basil Pesto Chicken Linguine - ages ago when I was a waitress, I've always wonder why some customer LOVES Basil Pesto spaghetti so much??? Till now, I still do not get it!!! :) HAHAHAHA... well the reason being that I do not like Basil taste... YUCKS!!! But of course give a benefit of a doubt, the linguine actually tasted not bad and I believe for those who likes Basil Pesto taste, they will sure like this dish!! :)

BFF ordered BIG Breakkie Breakfast for her All-Day Dinner... The taste of everything is speechless.. is a not so bad speechless because there is still some flaws in the dish itself actually... Like the mushrooms tasted a little bit raw and salty... the sausages, eggs, bread, tomatoes tasted NORMAL.. I ate ALL of the harsh-brown because BFF does not like it but the taste was actually much better than the rest of the ingredients O.O yeap!!!

Both of us ordered chocolate beverage, I've ordered HOT CHOCOLATE w Marshmallow, and BFF ordered Ice Dark Chocolate... BFF laughed when she drank her Iced chocolate because is too thick!!! Like drinking Milo Dinosaur, as for mine, is much better because it wasn't as thick as compared to the Iced chocolate, and also the Marshmallow really blends well with the beverage *thumbs up!!!* :)) BFF told me that for her beverage when the ice melted and mixed together with the beverage, it actually tasted much better.. Like what they said "Good thing must wait!"

11 April - 2nd day of birthday celebration with my poly BFF!!! :)) HAHAHA.. we never break this culture of celebrating each other's birthday ever since 2007, therefore it has been a GREAT & WONDERFUL 7 years of friendship and birthday celebration!!! :) I am very VERY very glad to have them in my life!!! :) We are celebrating Eve Mamee birthday!!! HAHAHA.. I realised that I have been calling her for the past 7 years!! ;)) WOW!!! HAHAHA.. but still wishing her to stay young, cheerful, positive and of course PRETTY forever!!! :) LOVE HER VERY VERY MUCH!!! <3

(cr: Photo taken by ME)

And yes!! Is time for food review!! :) We went to a restaurant called Chiso Zanmai Japanese Buffet Restaurant located at The Central @ Clarke Quay, #02-17... They have quite a number of food to choose but not as many as Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant or Kushinbo Japanese Buffet Restaurant.. However the most unique thing is they offer HotPot which require additional charges of less than $5 per pax.. Total bill I've spent was $43.55.. Is of course cheaper than Kiseki and Kushinbo Japanese Buffet Restaurant.. No complain to the food because they served it well and it is delicious.. Oiishii desu!!! Mashishoyo!!! :))

After buffet dinner, we went to sit along the stairs outside The Central shopping mall.. It has been sometime since we sat and enjoy the night view of Singapore.. We chat a lot and of course K-variety shows!!! Recently, Chiew and I have been watching the Return of Superman!!! HAHAHA.. I believe you did watch before??? If not, you have not lived much!!! :)) HAHAHA.. but seriously here is one small introduction to the show; basically the show talked about when Mummy is not at home, Daddy will take care of their children for the whole day, these children are their real son or daughter.. There is this little girl who is 4 years old this year, her name is Choo Sarang, I'm sure you've had heard of this name somewhere in the social media platform because she is indeed CUTE & FAMOUS!!! :))

(cr: Choo Sarang's expression when she felt disgusted) 

(cr: Choo Sarang cute-looking doll when cutting her hair)

Also there are other kids in this show who are cute and adorable too.. I personally also like Lee Haru (Tablo's daughter) because she is NICE and GENTLE, and she has fish friends... Watch the show and you will know why la ;))

Enjoy the show!!! 
Catch every Sunday, 3.45pm to 5.20pm (Singapore Time) at Channel M 
(if you have a Starhub Cable TV)

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