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Saturday 19 April 2014

#ThrowBackTravel Day Trip to Johor Bahru (JB) - 12 April 2014

Hey Everyone!

One week ago, I went for a very SHORT getaway trip to JB!

And yes.. I've never been to JB before, I only passed-by during my trip to Melaka & Genting but not stay and shop around.. Heard from my friends (Patricia and Ivy) that all prices are half-priced down from Singapore price. the moment I've heard is Shopping time!!! HAHAHAHA...

Well.. the journey to JB was pretty SHORT! I was a bit stunned when Patricia told me that we had arrived in Malaysia, JB... usually when I traveled overseas, it usually took like hours to get to the destination but to JB, is only less than an hour.. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! It took awhile to get used to "I'm in Malaysia" HAHAHA.. the main concern which I'm facing at that time is SAFETY.. because I heard from my friends and families that actually there is still daylight robbery along the street of JB.. I watched out my bag very closely and definitely did not take a lot of pictures of the buildings and some delicious food..

When we arrived in JB City Square Mall.. the first thing came to my mind is FOOOOOOD!!! The reason being we did not have Breakfast before we left home and dear Patricia told us that there is great food in Malaysia!! I cant wait to try ALL of them!! As greedy as I can be.. HAHAHA.. Patricia brought us to this famous FISH HEAD CURRY NOODLES store, before we arrived the venue I saw many Malaysian-Indians standing along the street looking pretty scary.. Patricia told us to walk along the shops instead of the streets because they look very suspicious.. OMG!! my mind was like "Please don't robbed me.. I'm not as rich as you think" and I walked super fast, just beside Patricia.. As we reached the venue, she mentioned there is a lot of Singaporean eating here and I can see queues outside the store.. It is sure famous!!! I love to try!!! However because is not that safe waiting so long outside and some of us were famished, we decided to go back shopping mall and had our BRUNCH!! I will be coming back here to have the FISH HEAD CURRY NOODLES *yumms yumms*.. You've heard me!! :)

So we were back here in City Square Mall and looked out for some cafe or restaurant to settle our BRUNCH.. Patricia introduced this cafe, Specialty Macau, she said that the food tasted good and is cheap too.. *-*

(cr: Macau Specialty Cafe @ City Square Mall Johor Bahru)

We've ordered Chicken Chop Spaghetti and Rice, also 4 egg tarts to try.. Food review: Chicken Chop Spaghetti tasted really good especially with the mushroom sauce.. HAHAHA me and Patricia were thinking probably was INSTANT mushroom sauce that's why it tasted delicious and you really can't stop eating.. As for the rice, was just normal HAHAHA not much to comment, Ivy and Rhena said that we could actually ordered this food at any food court in Singapore.. however definitely the prices was way much cheaper than in Singapore la.. Good point!!! As for the egg tarts, it was the BEST-OF-THE-BEST so far.. they actually tasted much better than KFC egg tarts!!! *Thumbs Up* Rhena actually bought back 10 pcs of them and it cost only $10 MYR which is $5 SGD?? Damn AFFORDABLE!!!

After lunch, we went to shopping in City Square Mall.. I was looking for a brand named SUMMIT which sell items similar to Charles n Keith in Singapore, the heels are very comfy-to-wear and the designs are cute.. So we entered to this shop the minute we saw, I actually shopped and tried all the shoes, was really comfortable and I was tempted to purchase.. why did I not purchase in the end?? The price of a pair of heels was actually $139.90 MYR about $69.95 SGD.. WOW!! About the same price which I can afford for a Charles n Keith, Pretty Fit or Pedro heels.. *Phew!* So in the end, I did not purchase and decided to purchase in Singapore instead..

Then few hours later, Ivy wanted to try Bak Kuh Teh! Amazingly, her small tummy can really fit pretty much food! So we went outside, along the street to have our Bak Kuh Teh.. when we reached, I felt like I'm at Bedok Sempang.. the ambience does have the resemblance.. Food review: I seriously love the soup and we can add in more ingredients like 金针菇 (also known as Enoki Mushrooms) one of my favourite and of course never forget about 油條 (also known as Fried Fritters) to dip into the soup!! I love how the soup is not so pepperish-taste and full of healthy herbs to boost your body health and immune system (maybe) but overall it tasted delicious!!

And we went to other shopping mall namely KSL & Holiday Plaza.. of course to pamper myself, I went for eyebrow trimming and I seriously need it desperately.. have not been trimming for months already.. HAHAHA better do it since I'm in Malaysia.. it cost me $10 MYR which is $5 SGD only!!! HAHAHA.. satisfied though because my friends all said it look natural.. Okay better than some comments like "why you looked like Shin-Chan" or worst "Where are your eye brows?" WOW!!! HAHAHA..

Right after eye brow trimming, it was about 5-6pm and sadly I'm rushing for time because I had a house-warming from my dear cousin.. So before we left, Ivy introduced this lil' cutie swiss roll with matcha & azuki red bean flavour.. before purchasing, we got to try sample of it and the moment I've tasted it, I fell in love.. HAHAHA.. okay not that exaggerating but is seriously nice.. I could not find it in Singapore except for Pandan and shredded Cheese swiss roll which is superb!! *Thumbs Up* The swiss roll cost $12.90 MYR which is about $6.45 SGD.. relatively cheap and good!!

(cr: Soon Soon Heng Bak Kuh Teh & Matcha Red Bean Swiss Roll Mika JB)

Cheers Everyone! :)

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