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Sunday 20 April 2014

Most Inspiring Video of the Day! :)

Hey Everyone! :)

Before I end my day, here are some inspiring video which I would like to share to you all, especially to students who are taking your exams, and working adults who are struggling with your work..

Elvis Harlem - his mother died at the age of 16 due to murder case,
and he chose to not give up himself and not wasting his time to live up his dreams...
Using $84,600 or 84,600 seconds a day without wasting it..

Every Mums in this world are treasure to us...
They love us unconditionally and sometimes, we just took them for granted...
Sometimes we thought that they are impatience but in fact they are not...
Sometimes we thought that they are nagging woman but this is how they show their care & concern...
Sometimes we didn't even know that they have been there 24/7 and in fact they did, just for us...
I've watched these 2 videos and the inspired me much..

1st Inspiring video:
World's toughest job - Director of Operations..
When I've watched this video, I do not have any clue what they are conveying
till the end of the video when they revealed!
*Two Thumbs Up!*

2nd Inspiring video:
This guy's mother had died due to cancer,
He realized that she had thought him much,
Being caring, loving to one another and respect for others and themselves...
However, is too late as that is the only time he said
"I Love You Mum!"
before she had gone....

Cherish your loved ones before they are gone forever!

Cheers! :)

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