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Saturday 5 April 2014

Helping one another doesn't kill...

Hey everyone!

I have created my first Facebook page at Simply Eat Travel Love.
Please LIKE the page and SHARE with your friends. HAHAHA... looking forward!!!

As I've mentioned & shared this wonderful video in my Facebook page below.
A Woman Befriended This Homeless Man In Brazil. You'll Never Guess What Happens Next...Wow.
Story: "Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho was homeless in São Paulo, Brazil, for nearly 35 years, and has become locally known to sit in the same spot and write every day. In April 2011, he befriended a young woman named Shalla Monteiro. Impressed with his poetry she decided to help him with his dream of publishing a book, she created a Facebook page to characterize the writing of Raymond. Neither could have expected what happened next. For more information visit Facebook page at Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho"

In summary, being able to help one person is a blessing because you are also helping another person too. Very inspiration!!! :) Start with your heart and work with your hand, take the first step to help people and you may not know how much helped they are receiving from you.

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