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Friday 28 March 2014

Upcoming Great Movies to catch this year!!!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

How is your mid-week so far??? 
Yes Yes Yes!!! Weekends are here again!!! *throwing confetti*

Thinking of watching movie this or next weekend??? I doooooo :) HAHAHA...

There are 3 movies which I have came across from Golden Village Movie Singapore official website... I wanted to watch it so desperately or yearning so badly!!! *SERIOUSLY* I love watching movie especially with my loved ones!!! You may have heard before some of the movie listed below when you were watching other movies in the cinema, while some probably you have already knew it since last year?!?!?! Nevertheless...

1st Movie MUST-CATCH!!! 
(one of my all-time favorite movie)
starring Chris Evans as the Captain America, and Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

indeed is EXCELLENT??? *hands-clapping* HAHAHA shall review when I've watched it... I've actually read some reviews online on Golden Village website... I must say it tempted me more or less to watch this movie sooon!!! Likewise, the movie has just launched today in Singapore!!! Bet everyone has or is going to watch this movie!!! *OHNO* Nevertheless here are the movie reviews which I have mentioned earlier...

(cr: Golden Village Singapore Official Website)

I am not gonna leave my seat after the credits scene, will stay and watch what happen??? Sounds interesting and curious!!! HAHAHAHA... Meanwhile, here is the official trailer of the movie!!! A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!

Showing on 27 March onward in Singapore

2nd Movie NOT TO MISS!!! 
(a man chosen by God for a great task before an apocalyptic flood destroys the world)
starring Russell Crowe as Noah, and Emma Watson as Ila, Shem's wife

According to my friend who is a christian, she said that NOAH's Ark came from a real person 4000-5000 years ago when God spoke to him through dreams and mentioned that there will be an end to the world through Water!!! At that moment, the world had not rained since many many years ago, so people do not believe Noah... To many surprise, the first flood happened which then wiped out the whole world, coming to an end. In this case, Noah and his family, and people who believed in him were the only survivors!!! 4-5 years ago, scientist had found the Ark at one of the mountain, frozen in Turkey. Scientist took it down and tested the wood material which was then found to had used during the time of Noah's (4000-5000 years ago)!!! This became the HOT issue around the world and people began to believe in the God's will in their life. So do I!!! :) Nevertheless, let's watch the trailer together and of course CATCH IN THEATER!!!

Showing on 3 April 2014 onward in Singapore

3rd Movie CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH!!! 
RIO 2 
(I love the story plot in Part 1 of the movie, now there is Part 2)

Story plot: It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids in RIO 2, after they venture from that magical city into the wilds of the Amazon for a family reunion. Out of his element in a land he doesn't know, Blu must face his most fearsome adversary - his father in law - while evading Nigel's fiendish plans for revenge. *Nigel is back!!!! Hate that scary-looking Parrot* Watch the official trailer now!!!

Showing on 10 April 2014 onward in Singapore

That's all for now!!! Comment below if you have any recommended upcoming movies!!! Cheers :)

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