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Monday 24 March 2014

Food Review: Addictions Cafe & Remedy Bar, Max Brenner Chocolate Bar

Hey Everyone!!! Beat the Monday Blues.. Check out my food reviews!!!

Last weekend, I have met with my Poly mates for dinner and chilled-out!!! We've known each other since I'm 17 years old and now 24 years old, it has been a great 7 years of friendship and still going strong!!! All these years we've changed so much, some went to work and some went to complete their study in University.. Guys already went to National Service and Ladies went to work and still working now!!! :)

HAHAHA... okay so where we've been for our dinner?? We have decided to go MARINA SQUARE to source for great food!!! So we came to this restaurant, Addictions Cafe and Remedy Bar. Food review time, basically another disappointing dinner, never gonna visit again. Although the staff are pretty friendly and prompt but the food needs a lot of improvement!!! My friends ordered Smoked Salmon Benedict Toast and it was seriously C.M.I - what does it means? CANNOT MAKE IT!!! My friends told me that the taste of Earl Grey is super strong and smoked salmon is too blend!!! OMGGGGGGGosh!!!! How can a smoked salmon doesn't taste like SMOKED SALMON????? Major fail!!! As for myself, I've ordered Crab Meat Linguine with Tomato Sauce. My first taste was pretty okay because no matter what happens to the spaghetti, it will not go wrong and I love crab meat so should be okay.. As the dish served out for too long, the taste started to be a little FISHY!!! *tongue-sticking out* Well, the only food which is so-so or better is the truffle fries.. Nothing can go wrong with that right?? Yappyapp is the best of all..

(Addictions Cafe & Remedy Bar)
Location: Marina Square, #02-105A
Food: 1 out of 5 stars
Ambiance: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Service: 3 out of 5 stars
Price: Crab Linguine $23, Smoked Salmon Benedict Toast $18-$20 (forgotten)

In order to end our dinner happily, we thought of Lady M dessert, also the main purpose of coming to Marina Square. However, it was a bit upsetting because after our disappointing dinner, we went straight away to Lady M which is few stores away and found out that there were a long queue outside their store O.O NOOOOO WAY!!! 안돼요!!! TT__________TT In the end, we went to Esplanade, Max Brenner Chocolate Bar for our delightful dessert.. For the past few years, I've been walking past this store but didn't get to try even once, I'm a chocolate sinner and I cannot live without chocolate!!! ;) When I heard my friend suggested this chocolate bar, my eyes went blink-blink and LETS GOOO!!! 가자!!!

We've ordered Banana Chocolate with Hazelnut Cream Crepe, and Churros Stick!!! Is my first time eating Churros and was soooo excited to try.. After the first bite, OHMY!!! It seriously tasted great!!! HAHAHA however just sweet a little because they have quite a lot of cinnamon and sugar on top. When you dip into the chocolate sauce or raspberry sauce.. Is seriously H.E.A.V.E.N!!! I'm really flying up!!! HAHAHA.. as for the Banana Chocolate with Hazelnut Cream Crepe.. well when you heard this name, you can imagine the taste in your mouth already.. like what food critics will describe 'mouth-watering' and indeed, I gave this dessert 5 out of 5 stars!!! A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!! The Hazelnut cream I suspect is from Nutella sauce and the Banana seriously blend very well with Dark and Milk Chocolate!!! I think I flew up in the galaxy already.. HAHAHA

(Max Brenner Chocolate Bar)
Location: Esplanade Mall, #01-06/08
Food: 5 out of 5 stars
Ambiance: 3 out of 5 stars
Service: 3 out of 5 stars
Price: Averagely $8-$10 (super price worthy)

Best picture taken of the day, 
Thanks to all my dearest peeps!!! Meet up again soon!!! 
Next stop: Staycation!!!
:) Cheers

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