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Wednesday 19 March 2014

Children in Syria Needs Help!

Hey Everyone!

Came about this post from twitter.

I am in shocked of situation which are happening in Syria all this while. News reported that "More than five million Syrian children are suffering under the weight of the civil war and the situation is getting worse" said by UNICEF (the United Nations Children's Fund)... And it has doubled the number in last year's report. As Civil War is still happening in Syria, it said that 3 millions Syrian children have had their education disrupted, 3 millions have been displaced inside Syria and more than 1 million have fled the country. These children are without proper food consumption, medication care, and delayed or no access to education. And in the worst case, children and pregnant women have been killed or wounded by snipers.

UNICEF has claimed that Syria is a dangerous place for children to stay in, the civil war has lasted for 3 years and is still going strong. This year will be their 4th year of civil war. Many children in Syria wanted to return home and to rebuild their lives in safety with their families and friends. 8 years old child named Aya is one of them. Watch her story and lend a helping hand by sharing her story around the world!

She mentioned in her interview conversation which I will never forget, “I want to be a doctor so I can help children,” And if her patients do not have money, she replied in this manner which touches my heart the most, “If they come to see me and they don’t have money, I will give them medicine, a prescription and an injection so they can get better.” Such a young child with matured thoughts, a child whom their innocence and happiness had taken away forcefully due to a war which can be prevented in the first place.

Aya was able to go to school in Lebanon briefly, but the transportation cost of US$20 per month which was less affordable for her family. She has 6 siblings including herself, and her brothers were working in vegetable fields to help them get by, but they relied heavily on the food vouchers provided by UNHCR. Aya was left with no choice but to stay home instead of pursuing her education.

After reading and watching her story, I would like to lend a helping hand through monetary and non-monetary support. My support for her is not enough, I still need your support as well through sharing her story and spreading your words to everyone around the world! Same support goes for these children in the video below as well..

Help these children to have a safe home and accessible education, and bring peace and joy to their lives by spreading your love, like mine, to every parts of the world now!

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