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Tuesday 18 March 2014

Mr. Peabody & Sherman Movie

Hey Everyone!

How was your weekends?

I went to watch a movie with my Piggy at Lido Shaw House. I must say that the movie theatre is A.W.E.S.O.M.E! It has a HUGE space and  the seats are COMFY as compared to seats few years back when after sitting on it, you will get itch spots here and there all over your legs because the theatre-cleaners did not clean much. Glad that they undergo thorough renovation and now their seats looks like this below... Leather-type chairs and comfortable seats-space as if you are in an economy plane (not budgeted plane of course)...

As for the movie which I've watched, currently it had advertised every where in Singapore, at first my sister introduced me through YouTube and mentioned that Singapore is gonna bring this movie to theatres, and indeed this movie is screened on Singapore Movie Theatres on March 2014. From the creators of "The Croods" and "Shrek", and the Director of "The Lion King", these 3 movies mentioned is pretty popular and had good review after on-screen.

What is the story about? - An intelligent dog named Mr. Peabody which had adopted a little boy whose name is Sherman. After having Sherman, he has an inspiration and designed a "way-back" or also known as the time machine which can travel back to the past. Sherman became knowledgeable about every history and claimed to have met George Washington personally. Everyone is impressed by him, include his history teacher. Therefore, it brought jealousy to a girl named Penny, which brought them to a fight. In order for Mr. Peabody to sustain the custody, he invited Penny and her parents to visit their house to reconcile and prevent her parents to press charge Sherman. Despite being warned by Mr. Peabody, Sherman brought Penny to the 'way-back'. In the end, Penny did not want to return to present and Sherman is panicked. He came back and looked for Mr. Peabody to inform him about the situation. So, Mr. Peabody hypnotized Penny's parents so that they are unaware that Penny is not in its house, and went with Sherman to get Penny back. Find out more about their adventures in getting Penny back to the present in the movie. Watch the trailer below..

Movie Review: Rated 3.5 stars out of 5 stars.. After watching the movie, Sherman is seriously adorable and cute! He is such an innocent kid and having being raised by an intelligent dog like Mr. Peabody is amazing. Must catch their first met-up in the movie, it is really touching and heart-warming. I also love one of the part when Sherman called Mr. Peabody, Dad after so many years. However, the story-plot is quite predictable and not much climax in the movie, therefore I have rated 3.5 stars. Please comment below of your opinions and feedback about this movie.. Cheers! *wink wink*

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