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Sunday 16 March 2014

EAT & EAT & EAT...

Hey Everyone!

Today, I would like to share about some food reviews from my experience this week.

I have been to 3 restaurants, erms 4 maybe because the last place is a ice cream parlour, nevertheless here are some important reviews which I would like to share with you..

FIRST: MOO Bar & Grill Restaurant, located in CBD area (Raffles Place). It was during lunch time, my colleagues and I went to this restaurant to try their food ~ we came about this place where we pass-by from Amoy Street Food Court after a simple lunch.. as we walked, we thought why not we try these food as one of our T.G.I.F lunch? So we have decided to have it on Friday, 14 March 2014!

Rating review: Overall ambiance is great, a pub-like restaurant but without music band. However the service of the restaurant, there is only one word to describe, HORRIBLE! Guess they are foreigners that's why?? And they have shouted at my friend when we are placing our orders. We are totally fine if you could not hear us but if you would mind to say 'excuse me' and 'please' that would be great for everyone.. How irony when we were facing such situation and they have indicated 'please approach our friendly-staff for more information..' below their menu.. As for the food, well, it tasted just like Amoy Street Food Court Western Stall.. :( the price range is unbelievably high O.O my colleagues' pasta cost approximately $28++ and my pasta cost $30++ WOW! and the portion is seriously SMALL! (like kids' menu) HAHAHA.. Just wanna laugh at the whole situation because we supposed to have our "Happy-Meal" but turn out to be "Disaster-Meal".. Nevertheless our T.G.I.F lunch turns out we-rather-eat-at-Amoy-Street-Food-Court!

Restaurant Location: 21 McCallum St, S069047
Ambiance: 4 out of 5 stars
Food: 2 out of 5 stars
Service: Unrated
Price: Too expensive!
Revisit the restaurant: NEVER!

SECOND: Met with my BFF (Best Friend Forever) for a catch-up after a month. We are craving for Korean cuisine, so we decided to dine-in Togi Korean Restaurant at Somerset Triple One! It has been a while since we had Korean food.. Before we reached, there was some amazing-coincidence-situation happened to us, and it was fascinating, Eve and I have met at Somerset 313 to wait for Chiew, while we were waiting, we were chatting outside of Forever 21.. so we decided to inform Chiew to wait for us outside F21.. Approximately 20 minutes later, Chiew had not arrived and we were worried, so we texted her and guess what she had arrived in the restaurant, but the most amazing thing was she thought F21 is our table number in the restaurant, so she asked the waiter and indeed our table number is F21, so she texted us back where we were because she thought we were in the restaurant waiting for her but then to her realization, what we meant F21 is Forever 21 store.. HAHAHA such an interesting situation.. Overall we did not regret what we have chosen for our dinner..

Rating review: Overall ambiance is great, we sat outdoor and it was evening 7pm-8pm.. We were lucky that the weather was not that hot and humid but it didn't rain as well.. P.E.R.F.E.C.T weather! As for the food, we ordered Seafood Pancake, Sanchu Wraps or Meat-Wrapped-in-Lettuce, Spicy Kimchi Tofu Soup, and Ginseng Chicken Soup.. Overall we love Ginseng Chicken soup and the chef personally came out to serve us and cut the chicken for us, so sweet! The rest of the food were actually mild-spicy but the 3 of us were lucky because we knew how to take spicy food quite well, HAHAHA of course not to that level which we could just eat raw chili padi (small chili).. as for their side dishes, they tasted great and appetizing too.. Their staff are friendly but funny though because when I ordered Ice Green Tea, one of the service staff (a lady) looked at me with much curiosity, as if I have ordered wrongly which is not in the menu, and said to me, Green Tea.. *phew* I looked at her and said "Eh Nope! is Ice Green Tea.." and she paused *paused* and replied, "Green Tea?" without confusing her, I said "Yes!" and I told Chiew, I guess she gonna bring me Hot Green Tea.. apparently I was wrong, she brought me Ice Green Tea *Thumbs Up! Clap Hands* great service even though it wasn't that great in the beginning..

Restaurant Location: TripleOne Somerset, #02-16
Ambiance: 4 out of 5 stars
Food: 4 out of 5 stars
Service: 4 out of 5 stars
Price: $15-$30 ++
Revisit the restaurant: DEFINITELY!

THIRD: Dating with my beloved Piggy on Saturday, 15 March, it has been a long week since we met the last time which is one week ago. HAHAHA okay it wasn't that long la.. We throw-back to one of my favourite place which is Pasta De Waraku, HAHAHA I love Pasta so much that I have to control my craves everytime because I will up-size one day if I continued to eat everyday. So when I heard my Piggy mentioned "lets go eat pasta for dinner" my whole eyes went *BLINK BLINK* and can't wait to munch it!

Rating review: We ordered Salmon Sashimi as our side dish, it tasted pretty fishy and my Piggy does not like it because he hates all fishy-smell-and-taste food. But is okay because I can finish up all by myself *tongue showing out* HAHAHA.. but when I ate the 2nd pieces, the fishy smell is much stronger than the first taste, and I did not feel like continuing anymore, then my Piggy actually saved my day, he squeezed the lemon on-top of the salmon sashimi and when I ate it again, it tasted so much better (so guys, remember to squeeze the lemon on-top of the salmon sashimi before consumption).. As for our meal, we ordered Fried Dory Fish in Soup Pasta for him, and Chicken & Mushroom Pasta in Tomato Sauce for her (me).. We tried new pasta instead of our usual pasta, and we must say we should have ordered our usual pasta HAHAHA.. we will introduce to you one day! HEEHEE.. Piggy said that his pasta is too healthy, well it indeed complied to the menu because they stated that the pasta is healthy-choice.. same goes for my pasta choice but instead the menu did not state that is a healthy-choice..HAHAHA

Restaurant Location: Clarke Quay The Central, #02-82
Ambiance: 3 out of 5 stars
Food: 3 out of 5 stars
Service: 3 out of 5 stars
Price: $15-$25 ++
Revisit the restaurant: maybe for our usual pasta! :)

FOURTH: What's a complete meal without dessert. Piggy and I went to Haato & Co to have our dessert. Piggy ordered Strawberry Yoghurt flavour Gelato in a cone, and I ordered two flavours Gelato which were Cookies 'n' Cream and Chocolate Banana, in a cup. Tasted delicious and filling, however guess the weather is pretty hot because when the ice cream is scooped out into our cone and cup, it melted straight-away. Wasted on the texture but the taste is great! We were seated near to Singapore River and is only al fresco dinning. Visit Haato & Co after your dinner at The Central @ Clarke Quay, #01-74.

FIFTH: Since we were at The Central @ Clarke Quay, we have to visit this store, Stay Home Mum Cafe. Saw it on local television programs, they sold cake in a jar. I am totally interested with the concept and of course the taste. There were a variety of choices in the shelf but I've ordered Red Velvet and Cheese cake. The jar looked seriously cute and I have to take a picture of it before I opened and start eating it.. HAHAHA I bought for my sister and hope she is happy to receive this gift.. eh no special occasion but a small gesture to show that I love her! *MUACK!* HAHAHAHA.. she must be vomiting now! :P and yes I shall review when she consumed and gave me some feedback, but I would say is a must-buy when you are in Clarke Quay and I believe the taste is expected-ly GREAT!

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