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Sunday 20 April 2014

Most Inspiring Video of the Day! :)

Hey Everyone! :)

Before I end my day, here are some inspiring video which I would like to share to you all, especially to students who are taking your exams, and working adults who are struggling with your work..

Elvis Harlem - his mother died at the age of 16 due to murder case,
and he chose to not give up himself and not wasting his time to live up his dreams...
Using $84,600 or 84,600 seconds a day without wasting it..

Every Mums in this world are treasure to us...
They love us unconditionally and sometimes, we just took them for granted...
Sometimes we thought that they are impatience but in fact they are not...
Sometimes we thought that they are nagging woman but this is how they show their care & concern...
Sometimes we didn't even know that they have been there 24/7 and in fact they did, just for us...
I've watched these 2 videos and the inspired me much..

1st Inspiring video:
World's toughest job - Director of Operations..
When I've watched this video, I do not have any clue what they are conveying
till the end of the video when they revealed!
*Two Thumbs Up!*

2nd Inspiring video:
This guy's mother had died due to cancer,
He realized that she had thought him much,
Being caring, loving to one another and respect for others and themselves...
However, is too late as that is the only time he said
"I Love You Mum!"
before she had gone....

Cherish your loved ones before they are gone forever!

Cheers! :)

Saturday 19 April 2014

#ThrowBackTravel Day Trip to Johor Bahru (JB) - 12 April 2014

Hey Everyone!

One week ago, I went for a very SHORT getaway trip to JB!

And yes.. I've never been to JB before, I only passed-by during my trip to Melaka & Genting but not stay and shop around.. Heard from my friends (Patricia and Ivy) that all prices are half-priced down from Singapore price. the moment I've heard is Shopping time!!! HAHAHAHA...

Well.. the journey to JB was pretty SHORT! I was a bit stunned when Patricia told me that we had arrived in Malaysia, JB... usually when I traveled overseas, it usually took like hours to get to the destination but to JB, is only less than an hour.. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! It took awhile to get used to "I'm in Malaysia" HAHAHA.. the main concern which I'm facing at that time is SAFETY.. because I heard from my friends and families that actually there is still daylight robbery along the street of JB.. I watched out my bag very closely and definitely did not take a lot of pictures of the buildings and some delicious food..

When we arrived in JB City Square Mall.. the first thing came to my mind is FOOOOOOD!!! The reason being we did not have Breakfast before we left home and dear Patricia told us that there is great food in Malaysia!! I cant wait to try ALL of them!! As greedy as I can be.. HAHAHA.. Patricia brought us to this famous FISH HEAD CURRY NOODLES store, before we arrived the venue I saw many Malaysian-Indians standing along the street looking pretty scary.. Patricia told us to walk along the shops instead of the streets because they look very suspicious.. OMG!! my mind was like "Please don't robbed me.. I'm not as rich as you think" and I walked super fast, just beside Patricia.. As we reached the venue, she mentioned there is a lot of Singaporean eating here and I can see queues outside the store.. It is sure famous!!! I love to try!!! However because is not that safe waiting so long outside and some of us were famished, we decided to go back shopping mall and had our BRUNCH!! I will be coming back here to have the FISH HEAD CURRY NOODLES *yumms yumms*.. You've heard me!! :)

So we were back here in City Square Mall and looked out for some cafe or restaurant to settle our BRUNCH.. Patricia introduced this cafe, Specialty Macau, she said that the food tasted good and is cheap too.. *-*

(cr: Macau Specialty Cafe @ City Square Mall Johor Bahru)

We've ordered Chicken Chop Spaghetti and Rice, also 4 egg tarts to try.. Food review: Chicken Chop Spaghetti tasted really good especially with the mushroom sauce.. HAHAHA me and Patricia were thinking probably was INSTANT mushroom sauce that's why it tasted delicious and you really can't stop eating.. As for the rice, was just normal HAHAHA not much to comment, Ivy and Rhena said that we could actually ordered this food at any food court in Singapore.. however definitely the prices was way much cheaper than in Singapore la.. Good point!!! As for the egg tarts, it was the BEST-OF-THE-BEST so far.. they actually tasted much better than KFC egg tarts!!! *Thumbs Up* Rhena actually bought back 10 pcs of them and it cost only $10 MYR which is $5 SGD?? Damn AFFORDABLE!!!

After lunch, we went to shopping in City Square Mall.. I was looking for a brand named SUMMIT which sell items similar to Charles n Keith in Singapore, the heels are very comfy-to-wear and the designs are cute.. So we entered to this shop the minute we saw, I actually shopped and tried all the shoes, was really comfortable and I was tempted to purchase.. why did I not purchase in the end?? The price of a pair of heels was actually $139.90 MYR about $69.95 SGD.. WOW!! About the same price which I can afford for a Charles n Keith, Pretty Fit or Pedro heels.. *Phew!* So in the end, I did not purchase and decided to purchase in Singapore instead..

Then few hours later, Ivy wanted to try Bak Kuh Teh! Amazingly, her small tummy can really fit pretty much food! So we went outside, along the street to have our Bak Kuh Teh.. when we reached, I felt like I'm at Bedok Sempang.. the ambience does have the resemblance.. Food review: I seriously love the soup and we can add in more ingredients like 金针菇 (also known as Enoki Mushrooms) one of my favourite and of course never forget about 油條 (also known as Fried Fritters) to dip into the soup!! I love how the soup is not so pepperish-taste and full of healthy herbs to boost your body health and immune system (maybe) but overall it tasted delicious!!

And we went to other shopping mall namely KSL & Holiday Plaza.. of course to pamper myself, I went for eyebrow trimming and I seriously need it desperately.. have not been trimming for months already.. HAHAHA better do it since I'm in Malaysia.. it cost me $10 MYR which is $5 SGD only!!! HAHAHA.. satisfied though because my friends all said it look natural.. Okay better than some comments like "why you looked like Shin-Chan" or worst "Where are your eye brows?" WOW!!! HAHAHA..

Right after eye brow trimming, it was about 5-6pm and sadly I'm rushing for time because I had a house-warming from my dear cousin.. So before we left, Ivy introduced this lil' cutie swiss roll with matcha & azuki red bean flavour.. before purchasing, we got to try sample of it and the moment I've tasted it, I fell in love.. HAHAHA.. okay not that exaggerating but is seriously nice.. I could not find it in Singapore except for Pandan and shredded Cheese swiss roll which is superb!! *Thumbs Up* The swiss roll cost $12.90 MYR which is about $6.45 SGD.. relatively cheap and good!!

(cr: Soon Soon Heng Bak Kuh Teh & Matcha Red Bean Swiss Roll Mika JB)

Cheers Everyone! :)

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Birthday Celebration on 10 April & 11 April :))

Hey Everyone!

Finally got the time to blog.. Sorry my dear readers as I am preparing for my exams which is next month ~ *SIANness* However I will try my very best to blog whenever there is FREE time for me to do so :)) Thanks for reading as well.. Appreciate much!!! :))

Soooo what happen LAST WEEK?!?!
I would say it has been a while since I've enjoyed myself fully without thinking so much on work and study! I had my BFFs birthday celebrations on 10 April and 11 April.

10 April - is the celebration for my BFF - Georgina's , belated in actual fact because her birthday falls on 8th April.. Nevertheless I was super SUPER super happy to celebrate with her that day!!! :)) I've bought her a Calvin Klein watch which coincidentally is her favourite brand and is on her WISHLIST some more!!! BFF TTM!!! :) We also had the similar mindset too~ we decided to go have our dinner at Food For Thought (one of my selected list of cafe/ restaurant for our dinner)... so we went to Singapore National Museum Food For Thoughts Cafe where they served more varieties of delicious food as compared to cafe located in Victoria Street... And now you might be asking... How is the food??? What is the food reviews???

(cr: Food For Thoughts - Photo taken by ME)

I've ordered Basil Pesto Chicken Linguine - ages ago when I was a waitress, I've always wonder why some customer LOVES Basil Pesto spaghetti so much??? Till now, I still do not get it!!! :) HAHAHAHA... well the reason being that I do not like Basil taste... YUCKS!!! But of course give a benefit of a doubt, the linguine actually tasted not bad and I believe for those who likes Basil Pesto taste, they will sure like this dish!! :)

BFF ordered BIG Breakkie Breakfast for her All-Day Dinner... The taste of everything is speechless.. is a not so bad speechless because there is still some flaws in the dish itself actually... Like the mushrooms tasted a little bit raw and salty... the sausages, eggs, bread, tomatoes tasted NORMAL.. I ate ALL of the harsh-brown because BFF does not like it but the taste was actually much better than the rest of the ingredients O.O yeap!!!

Both of us ordered chocolate beverage, I've ordered HOT CHOCOLATE w Marshmallow, and BFF ordered Ice Dark Chocolate... BFF laughed when she drank her Iced chocolate because is too thick!!! Like drinking Milo Dinosaur, as for mine, is much better because it wasn't as thick as compared to the Iced chocolate, and also the Marshmallow really blends well with the beverage *thumbs up!!!* :)) BFF told me that for her beverage when the ice melted and mixed together with the beverage, it actually tasted much better.. Like what they said "Good thing must wait!"

11 April - 2nd day of birthday celebration with my poly BFF!!! :)) HAHAHA.. we never break this culture of celebrating each other's birthday ever since 2007, therefore it has been a GREAT & WONDERFUL 7 years of friendship and birthday celebration!!! :) I am very VERY very glad to have them in my life!!! :) We are celebrating Eve Mamee birthday!!! HAHAHA.. I realised that I have been calling her for the past 7 years!! ;)) WOW!!! HAHAHA.. but still wishing her to stay young, cheerful, positive and of course PRETTY forever!!! :) LOVE HER VERY VERY MUCH!!! <3

(cr: Photo taken by ME)

And yes!! Is time for food review!! :) We went to a restaurant called Chiso Zanmai Japanese Buffet Restaurant located at The Central @ Clarke Quay, #02-17... They have quite a number of food to choose but not as many as Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant or Kushinbo Japanese Buffet Restaurant.. However the most unique thing is they offer HotPot which require additional charges of less than $5 per pax.. Total bill I've spent was $43.55.. Is of course cheaper than Kiseki and Kushinbo Japanese Buffet Restaurant.. No complain to the food because they served it well and it is delicious.. Oiishii desu!!! Mashishoyo!!! :))

After buffet dinner, we went to sit along the stairs outside The Central shopping mall.. It has been sometime since we sat and enjoy the night view of Singapore.. We chat a lot and of course K-variety shows!!! Recently, Chiew and I have been watching the Return of Superman!!! HAHAHA.. I believe you did watch before??? If not, you have not lived much!!! :)) HAHAHA.. but seriously here is one small introduction to the show; basically the show talked about when Mummy is not at home, Daddy will take care of their children for the whole day, these children are their real son or daughter.. There is this little girl who is 4 years old this year, her name is Choo Sarang, I'm sure you've had heard of this name somewhere in the social media platform because she is indeed CUTE & FAMOUS!!! :))

(cr: Choo Sarang's expression when she felt disgusted) 

(cr: Choo Sarang cute-looking doll when cutting her hair)

Also there are other kids in this show who are cute and adorable too.. I personally also like Lee Haru (Tablo's daughter) because she is NICE and GENTLE, and she has fish friends... Watch the show and you will know why la ;))

Enjoy the show!!! 
Catch every Sunday, 3.45pm to 5.20pm (Singapore Time) at Channel M 
(if you have a Starhub Cable TV)

Monday 7 April 2014

Movie Review: Captain America 2 The Winter Soldier

Hey Everyone!!!

I have watched my MOST FAVOURITE MOVIE OF THE YEAR!!!! Captain America 2!!!! *SCREAMSSSS!!!* somemore in 3D!!! HAHAHA.. alright alright I know some of you will describe me as obsessive with Steve Rogers and not the movie is due to CHRIS EVANS!!! HAHAHA... but some of you do agree with me too right?!?!?!?!? HAHAHA... Nevertheless the movie is AWESOME!!! And I seriously like to thank ALL movie viewers who watched in Golden Village theatres because they have mentioned that we should stay in the theatre till the end of the movie for a light preview of the next upcoming movie scene...

HAHAHA.. sorry for the capitalization because I really find this movie is one of the best movie of the year!!! The story plot is AMAZING!!! some of the scenes flashed back to 1944 where Steve is living his life as a wonderful captain, a TRUE SOLDIER!!! The story goes like this;

"After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Marvel's "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" finds Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, Chris Evan, living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon, Anthony Mackie. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy - the Winter Soldier." (credited by Golden Village)

(Casts of Captain America 2 The Winter Soldier Movie)

Personally, the most surprise part of the movie is when he revealed the Winter Soldier. It was actually unexpected because the 1st part of the movie, Steve's best friend, Bucky Barnes had died during the fight when they were chasing a bad guy outside the train and he fell off from the train down the cliff... So how Winter Soldier came about is when Bucky was found by a German scientist after his fell, and then he was tested and experimented that leads him being strong and fast soldier (a true silent assassin) with forgotten past... Steve believed that Bucky still didn't forget him so without fail, at the last part which touched me the most due to strong friendship, Steve allowed Bucky to beat his face badly because he mentioned to Bucky that no friends live anyone behind and he will stay with him (Bucky) regardless (may not be the exact same words in the movie) and Steve said that because Bucky once told him the same exact sentence when Steve's parents died... Captain America fell into the sea when the ship crashed from the sky, I thought Steve will die because nobody is able to save him however to my another surprise, Steve was saved by the Winter Soldier, and he left Captain America on the beach resting while he walked away silently... Captain America did not give up and he mentioned in his next mission, he will find his best friend and bring his memories back... I would say another anticipating movie is coming soooooooon!!!

(Casts of Captain America 2, Best Buddy: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes)

Last but not the least, at the very last part of the movie, there is a little preview of the next upcoming movie... All I can say is the preview is related to The Avengers 2 which is also coming soon!!! Much Anticipation!!! Cheers :)

Beauty Guru in the House on Monday!!!

Hey Everyone!!!

Beauty guru is back on Monday!!! Michelle Phan's latest new video with wonderful makeup of Egyptian Queen.. Wanna learn the best makeup and be like her?? Watch this video now below:

Personally love the Cat-Eye look she always drew with her eyeliner during makeup tutorial. Whichever eyeliner she holds on her hands, is like magic, the eyeliner will perfectly drawn on her eyes without any much anxiety... HAHAHA because for me, someday I will draw my Cat-Eye look beautifully *with confidence* but of course someday looks like Panda-Eye instead of what she called the "Sexy-Cat-Eye".. truly inspired and salute her!!!

Also I've read on her blog about 5 Oils That Deserve A Place In Your Beauty Routine... She mentioned that currently on the rage right now is Coconut Oil (commonly found and used I guess). It is good for your hair and skin... Here are some good use for coconut oil credited by Michelle Phan.. Besides coconut oil as she had mentioned, try incorporating these 5 oils which will definitely give you a little beauty oomph (credited by Michelle Phan)

(cr: Michelle Phan - 5 Oils that deserve a place in your Beauty Routine)

Recently, I have received a great gift from Marina Bay Sands (MBS) and it helped me so much with my recent stress in work and study... my exams are coming soon so no matter how I cannot run away from stress.. And at the right moment, MBS gave me a diffuser for me to relax and calm my mind while working and of course revising my school work.. The scent is Mandarin Blossoms and is quite pungent though, till now I still could not forget the fragrance smell..

Have a great week ahead!!! Cheers :)

Saturday 5 April 2014

Do not take things for granted...

Hey everyone!

Another inspiration story to share with you today
"Razan dreams of her favourite red dress".

In any countries, wherever you are from, some people just take things for granted and some people just do not know this word "Appreciation". We have safe home, great families, loved ones and friends, conducive environment to study, work and live. However, as I read on an article of this young girl named Razan, who is only 9 years old and a Syrian refugee. Such a young girl who had no choice but to flee her beloved hometown with her families because of dispute happening in Syrian. At such a young age, I remembered that I am being blessed with wonderful toys, hygiene food and conducive environment. But for Razan, she escaped from her beloved hometown so that she could not get hurt! This make me realized how fortunate I am to stay in a safe country like Singapore.

(cr: 9- year old Razan (right) and her younger sister left Syria for Turkey more than a year ago. Their house, in Idlib, was destroyed in a bomb attack. © UNICEF/Turkey-2014/Yurtsever)

Her story goes like this (edited by my own words)
Because of leaving their country due to conflicts in Syria, many children have to leave home and their precuious belongings like their favourite dress, book, toy, which are now just a memory to them. Razan, a sweet-loving 9 years old little girl, mentioned that she could not forget about her favourite red dress which had bombarded and burned with her house. As she described that dress, her eyes were shining like she was indeed in-love with that dress.

Razan’s house in Idlib, Syria was damaged in a bombing. She and her family survived because they were out paying a visit to her aunt. They were only able to recover a few belongings and toys from the ruins. “I lost my grandfather and uncle because of this conflict. My uncle was shot by four bullets,” she adds. Razan, her parents and 6 siblings arrived at the Sarıçam refugee camp 14 months ago. She is in the third-grade and wants to be a teacher when she grows up. Such an inspiration child whom I didn't see much in kids these days. Razan visits UNICEF’s Child Friendly Space (CFS) twice a week where her favourite activities are painting and playing with toys. She also likes the new appearance of the centre, which has been repainted, saying: “It is very colourful now and very nice. My friends also like it a lot”.

(cr: Razan and her friends stand outside UNICEF’s child-friendly space at the Sarıçam refugee camp in Adana, Turkey. ©UNICEF/Turkey-2014/Yurtsever)
Share her story with your loved ones, family members and friends now! We are fortunate and let's help these children in Syria to provide them with conducive environment to study, work and live. Also providing them hygiene food so that they are not starved. You know how it feels to be starved for the whole day!!!

Helping one another doesn't kill...

Hey everyone!

I have created my first Facebook page at Simply Eat Travel Love.
Please LIKE the page and SHARE with your friends. HAHAHA... looking forward!!!

As I've mentioned & shared this wonderful video in my Facebook page below.
A Woman Befriended This Homeless Man In Brazil. You'll Never Guess What Happens Next...Wow.
Story: "Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho was homeless in São Paulo, Brazil, for nearly 35 years, and has become locally known to sit in the same spot and write every day. In April 2011, he befriended a young woman named Shalla Monteiro. Impressed with his poetry she decided to help him with his dream of publishing a book, she created a Facebook page to characterize the writing of Raymond. Neither could have expected what happened next. For more information visit Facebook page at Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho"

In summary, being able to help one person is a blessing because you are also helping another person too. Very inspiration!!! :) Start with your heart and work with your hand, take the first step to help people and you may not know how much helped they are receiving from you.

Friday 28 March 2014

Upcoming Great Movies to catch this year!!!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

How is your mid-week so far??? 
Yes Yes Yes!!! Weekends are here again!!! *throwing confetti*

Thinking of watching movie this or next weekend??? I doooooo :) HAHAHA...

There are 3 movies which I have came across from Golden Village Movie Singapore official website... I wanted to watch it so desperately or yearning so badly!!! *SERIOUSLY* I love watching movie especially with my loved ones!!! You may have heard before some of the movie listed below when you were watching other movies in the cinema, while some probably you have already knew it since last year?!?!?! Nevertheless...

1st Movie MUST-CATCH!!! 
(one of my all-time favorite movie)
starring Chris Evans as the Captain America, and Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow

indeed is EXCELLENT??? *hands-clapping* HAHAHA shall review when I've watched it... I've actually read some reviews online on Golden Village website... I must say it tempted me more or less to watch this movie sooon!!! Likewise, the movie has just launched today in Singapore!!! Bet everyone has or is going to watch this movie!!! *OHNO* Nevertheless here are the movie reviews which I have mentioned earlier...

(cr: Golden Village Singapore Official Website)

I am not gonna leave my seat after the credits scene, will stay and watch what happen??? Sounds interesting and curious!!! HAHAHAHA... Meanwhile, here is the official trailer of the movie!!! A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!

Showing on 27 March onward in Singapore

2nd Movie NOT TO MISS!!! 
(a man chosen by God for a great task before an apocalyptic flood destroys the world)
starring Russell Crowe as Noah, and Emma Watson as Ila, Shem's wife

According to my friend who is a christian, she said that NOAH's Ark came from a real person 4000-5000 years ago when God spoke to him through dreams and mentioned that there will be an end to the world through Water!!! At that moment, the world had not rained since many many years ago, so people do not believe Noah... To many surprise, the first flood happened which then wiped out the whole world, coming to an end. In this case, Noah and his family, and people who believed in him were the only survivors!!! 4-5 years ago, scientist had found the Ark at one of the mountain, frozen in Turkey. Scientist took it down and tested the wood material which was then found to had used during the time of Noah's (4000-5000 years ago)!!! This became the HOT issue around the world and people began to believe in the God's will in their life. So do I!!! :) Nevertheless, let's watch the trailer together and of course CATCH IN THEATER!!!

Showing on 3 April 2014 onward in Singapore

3rd Movie CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH!!! 
RIO 2 
(I love the story plot in Part 1 of the movie, now there is Part 2)

Story plot: It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids in RIO 2, after they venture from that magical city into the wilds of the Amazon for a family reunion. Out of his element in a land he doesn't know, Blu must face his most fearsome adversary - his father in law - while evading Nigel's fiendish plans for revenge. *Nigel is back!!!! Hate that scary-looking Parrot* Watch the official trailer now!!!

Showing on 10 April 2014 onward in Singapore

That's all for now!!! Comment below if you have any recommended upcoming movies!!! Cheers :)

Wednesday 26 March 2014

3 Spring-Inspired Manicure!!!

Hey Everyone!

I have found out 3-inspired SPRING-look manicure which you can try out.


(cr: - Heartbeat Manicure)

- Yves Saint Laurent La Laque Couture in Corail Colisee
- Maybelline Color Show Nail Lacquer in Porcelain Party
- Small nail brush
- Top coat

1) Apply base coat and two coats of red nail polish. Allow to dry.
2) Dip your nail brush into white polish and carefully start painting the lines. Begin with a short dash on either side of the nail to ensure the ends will match up evenly.
3) Continue to create the spikes and dips of your heartbeat until you've connected the two dashes.
4) Apply top coat and allow nails to dry.


(cr: - Romatic Rosebud Manicure)


- Toothpick
- essie Bikini So Teeny
- essie Style Hunter
- essie Resort Fling
- essie Shake Your $$ Maker

1) For your base, paint two coats of a sky blue nail polish like essie Bikini So Teeny.
2) Take a red nail polish (we used essie Style Hunter) and create dots of varying sizes all over your nail. They don’t have to be perfect — in fact, the less perfect the edges, the more flower-like they will appear.
3) Pour a small amount of peach nail polish like essie Resort Fling onto a piece of paper. Taking your toothpick, dab it in the color and use it to draw two squiggles over each red dot. This creates texture and will give your rosebuds its “petals.”
4) Pour a small amount of green nail polish (we used essie Shake Your $$ Maker) onto a piece of paper and dab the other end of your toothpick in it to pick up the color. Draw two small triangular shapes on the sides of each of your rosebuds. These are your leaves.


(cr: - Mother of Pearls Manicure)


- essie Blanc
- Giorgio Armani Nail Lacquer in 702
- L’Oréal Colour Riche Nail in Taste of Romance
- Lancôme Vernis in Love in 545
- Lancôme Vernis in Love in 521
- L’Oréal Paris The Magic Top Coats in The Shift Me

1) Apply two coats of white nail polish. This will be your base and allow the hints of color you’ll add to pop on the nail.
2) Place a small drop of iridescent nail polish (here we used Giorgio Armani Nail Lacquer in 702) onto a plate. Then wet an art brush with nail polish remover and mix with the nail polish. This will thin the polish and give it a transparent look on the nail. Taking the brush, dab lightly across the nail in no particular pattern – cover as much of the nail as you like. We suggest using a non-acetone remover on these steps to prevent your base color from lifting.
3) Using your next shade, we started with pink, repeat the process of mixing a droplet of nail polish with nail polish remover. Remeber, you only need a drop or two. Then dab the pink across your nail. This time only covering a few spots.
4) Repeat step 3 with the blue nail polish, sparingly dabbing the polish in select areas of the nail.
Since mother of pearl tends to show more green when inside a shell, repeat step 4 with the teal nail polish. This time make it slightly darker and covering more of the nail. Let dry.
5) Apply an iridescent top coat with a slight halo effect. We chose L’Oréal Magic Top Coat for this look. The top coat will seal your Mother of Pearl manicure and allow you to gaze in awe for hours at your tips.

What’s your favorite awe-inspiring manicure? Comment below!

Makeup Tips: Perfect Pink Lipstick for SPRING!!!

Makeup Tip Part 2 starts now!!!

Let's welcome Cherry PINK into Spring 2014. According to studies, majority of the females like PINK colors in every sorts of way; PINK Bags, PINK Wallet, PINK Makeup - Lipstick, Lip gloss, Lip liner, Eyeliner, Eye shadow or even PINK Clothing. Today I would like to share with you on how to choose the perfect “Pretty in Pink” Lipstick based on our skin tone. Interesting??? Read more!!!

Pink lipstick — the most basic of all lip colors, yet often the hardest to select. One wrong move and we’re left looking more like we just had a cherry Popsicle than the “Pretty in Pink” vibe we were going for. What shall we do then??? Tiffany Hall-Scarmana, a professional makeup artist, advice on finding the most flattering pink lipstick based on your skin tone.

(cr: - How to find Your Perfect Pink Lipstick from Your Skin tone)

Fair/Light Skin Tones: If you've ever used the word “pale” or “light” to describe your skin tone, look for pink lipsticks that are either more crisp in pigment or soft and sheer. When it comes to color, choose a peachy pink shade — this will help neutralize your reddish undertones. Other options are petal pink shades with rose or lilac tints. Recommended lipstick include Maybelline Color Sensation High Shine in Pink Freeze (Available in selected Watsons or Guardian stores in Singapore).

Medium Skin Tones: Lucky ladies — if you have a medium, olive-based skin tone, you can pull off most shades of pink. Just avoid pink lipsticks with BLUE undertones that tend to wash you out. Instead, opt for a luscious watermelon shade or a nude pink for a more natural look. Also, you can never go wrong with deep pinks that have hints of caramel and brown. Recommended lipstick include Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupté Shine in Pink Devotion and L’Oréal Paris Colour Riche Lipstick in Ballerina Shoes (Available in YSL stores in iON Orchard Level B1, near MRT in Singapore, and L’Oréal cosmetics in selected Watsons store in Singapore).

Deep Skin Tones: Bright and bold pinks perfectly complement darker skin tones. If you're feeling daring, look for shades in the magenta family that stray towards fuchsia. For a more toned down look, try a lighter, purple-toned pink. Just avoid any ashy, neutral pinks as they will wash you out. Recommended lipstick include Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture Vernis À Lévres Glossy Stain and NARS Pure Matte Lipstick in Carthage (Available in YSL stores in iON Orchard Level B1, near MRT in Singapore, and NARS counter in TANGS Orchard).

After choosing your lipstick colour, is time to apply onto your lips!!!

Ever thought of waking up late and you do not have enough time to put on a proper makeup??? Or thinking that it is not important to put lipstick and that's why you never buy a lipstick before??? Here's how you can change your mind and put on that "Pretty in Pink" lipstick which you are looking for.




STEP 1: Pick Your Shade
To get the most fullness lips, choose bold and bright pinks, plums, reds and oranges colors. For a more subtle look, nudes work well too but I would recommend avoiding dark colors in the brown tones as those tend to create the illusion of thinner lips.

STEP 2: Line Lips at an Angle
Start with a lip liner that is a shade darker than your lipstick and line your lips starting at the very edge and shade inward towards the center. Here’s the trick: angle the lip liner flat on the lip with the tip of the liner pointing outward. This will also fill in part of your lip with color, which creates an ombre effect. If you hold the lip liner on its point, the line will be too harsh.
STEP 3: Fill Using Lipstick
After lining, generously apply your lipstick. Preferably a creamy formula because it gives the lip a smooth, soft look. You should be able to see a gentle cascade of shading from your lip liner to the lipstick color.

STEP 4: Dab Lip Gloss
Finally, dab clear gloss on the pout of the lip (the center where your lips meet) and press them together for a quick blend.

STEP 5: Conceal Around Lips
To give that extra lushness, complete the lip with a little concealer around the outside of the lip line to make the shape of the lip pop. This technique works with all lip colors from the softest of nudes to the brightest bolds.

(professional makeup advice from New York based makeup artist Tanya Chavez)

Recommended makeup products to create the look:
- Mavalia Lip Liner Pencil in Cyclamen
- Maybelline Color Sensational Vivids in Fuchsia Flash
- Milani Buzz Worthy Lip Gloss in Bee Have
- L’Oréal True Match Concealer in Fair/Light Neutral

Cheers Everyone! :)

Makeup Tips: Contouring & Highlighting Like A PRO!!!

Hey Everyone!

Some people are lucky enough to be born with perfect facial features. World renowned women like Scarlett Johansson and Angeline Jolie (two of my favourite actresses), quickly come to mind when thinking of beautiful faces. A beauty sensation that’s trending all over the web for makeup is contouring and highlighting of your face. Not only is it simple but you can easily change it up every time you do your make-up. Contouring is simply a make-up technique used to enhance and define facial features. If you are having flashbacks to intense 80s blush, don’t worry, these days contouring is a lot more natural looking.

You don’t need to use a specific cosmetic brand and you may already have all the tools you need at home. To add some definition to make your face even more beautiful, check out the specific steps and tips on how to do it below.

(cr: - How to contour your face like a PRO)

Step 1: Assess your shadows. 
The trick to making contouring look natural is to work with what nature gave you. If you want your cheekbones to appear higher, look at your face and figure out where the shadows would natural fall. Generally, this includes the space in between the bottom of your cheekbones and the top of your jawline, the sides of your nose, the top of your hairline. Apply a line of contouring makeup in each of these places. Used em Cosmetics Chiaroscuro Contour and Highlighter Stick

Step 2. Highlight. 
Now that you've created the illusion of shadows, you’ll want to bring a little light on your face. Use a highlighter stick, cream or powder to draw the eye to your most favorable features. Apply highlighter across the tops of your cheekbones and to the center of your face to bring those features forward.

Step 3. Easy just Blend. 
Use a blending sponge or brush to smooth out the contour and highlighter lines and ensure a natural, polished look.

Check out Michelle Phan's Makeup Tutorial for natural contouring and highlighting of your face! 

Cheers Everyone! :)

Tuesday 25 March 2014

17 Most Delicious Restaurants under 15 dollars in Singapore...

Hey Everyone!

As you knew, Singapore is a top most expensive cities in the world, we have rated NUMBER 1 at  an online website in one of the e-articles which I have read (oops I've forgotten). Nevertheless, high expenses in every day life, how can we fully enjoy our life?!?!?!?!? Especially FOOOOOOOD!!!! HAHAHA.. Well I have found solutions guys!!!

Check this out "17 Most Delicious Restaurants under 15 dollars in Singapore" - quoted by Yahoo News on Home Page.. these restaurants are my FOOD-REVIEW-TO-GO!!!

(1)  Lola's Cafe


"There's nothing but good things to say about this fuss free little neighbourhood cafe. They serve casual food and are well known for their brunch served from 10am to 3pm. So even when you wake up at 12pm you can still get great breakfast food. It doesn't hurt that they don't charge GST or service tax!"
Price Range: $5 to $16
Address: 5 Simon Road, Singapore 545893

(2) Nana Thai


"It actually pains me to be writing this because I feel like this place is my little secret. I honestly think this is the best and most authentic Thai food in Singapore (the Grilled Pork is divine) and the prices are crazy affordable as well.  It doesn't have the best location though, amid the Thai discos in Golden Mile but hey, the food here is so good, you'll learn to look past it."
Price Range: $5 to $10
Address: 5001 Beach Road, Golden Mile Complex #01-51/52/66C, Singapore 199588

(3) Maki San


"Maki San is great if you're one of those people who love to customize their food. Everything is up to you as you create your own sushi. They even have a healthy brown rice option. Another plus point is the packaging is adorable and if you feel like being super thrifty, I know people who have turned their Maki San sushi boxes into wallets!"
Price Range: $6 to $12
Address: 2 Handy Road, The Cathay #B1-17/18, Singapore 229223

(4) Swee Choon Dim Sum

"NO PICTURE AVAILABLE but will post my own instead when I visit them this year again"

"Swee Choon is one of the best dim sum joints in Singapore. And its perfect place for your post night-out hunger pangs. You know, for those days when you've already spent too much money at the clubs but you're still starving. If clubbing isn't your thing though (or if you're too young) then its also great for dinner since they open at 6pm! You absolutely must try the Salted Egg Yolk Custard Bun. You haven't lived till you've eaten it, trust me."
Price Range: $2 to $10
Address: 191 Jalan Besar, Singapore 20882

(5) Food For Thought


"I love this place because the location in the Botanic Gardens is great and the restaurant has a really nice feel to it. The breakfast here is also one of my favourites. Its perfect for days when you don't feel like elbowing other people around in Orchard Road or as a breakfast stop after pulling an all-nighter at the 24h Coffee Bean in Holland Village. Guilty!"
Price Range: $5 to $25
Address: 1 Cluny Road, Tanglin Gate #B1-00, Singapore 259569

(6) La Petite Cuisine


"When I think French food I usually think super high brow, pricey food with names I can't pronounce. However, this little joint is trying to change your impression of French cuisine as they serve unpretentious French fare. Prices on the menu can get pretty high but if you stick to the simpler items, you'll be able to afford delicious French food without having to give up a limb. No service tax or GST either!"
Price Range: $7 to $20
Address: 10 Jalan Serene, Serence Centre #01-05, Singapore 258748

(7) Eighteen Chefs


- Student Favourite -
"18 Chefs has some really cool concepts for food, like drinking perfectly cooked eggs with a straw and eating your desert straight out of the jar. It was opened by an ex-convict who just wanted people to enjoy great food and at the same time help introduce those who have strayed back into the workforce. The kitchen is staffed with other ex convicts and visiting would be providing them with support to embrace their second chances. Oh and they have a $2 discount for students too!"
Price Range: $5 to $15
Address: 8 Grange Road, Cathay Cineleisure #04-02, Singapore 239695

(8) Saizeriya


- Student Favourite -
"Saizeriya is a Japanese chain of Italian family style restaurants. They serve your usual Italian fare like pizza and pasta for remarkably low prices! Their menu also contains some oddly non-Italian dishes like Spanish Paella and French Escargot. Its probably the cheapest place to find escargot in Singapore. Now if you're a student, this is going to be your new favourite place."
Price Range: $4 to $10
Address: 177 River Valley Road, Liang Court #02-22, Singapore 179030

(9) Astons

"NO PICTURE AVAILABLE but will post my own instead when I visit them this year again"

- Student Favourite -
"Astons has been earning rave reviews from students and adults alike because their dishes are affordable and there's no denying the food here is pretty good as well. There's even an outlet within NUS and if that isn't proof that its perfect for students, I don't know what is."
Price Range: $5 to $20
Address: 2 Handy Road, The Cathay Building #04-03/04, Singapore 229233

(10) Charlie & Co.


"Originating from Sydney, this Burger bar has recently opened its doors in ION Orchard and every time I pass by it, its usually quite full, which, as every Singaporean knows, means the food here is good. One huge plus point for students is the set meal which comes with sea salt fries and a drink for just $10!"
Price Range: $5 to $20
Address: 2 Orchard Turn, ION Orchard #B4-56, Singapore 238801

(11) Saveur

"NO PICTURE AVAILABLE but will post my own instead when I visit them this year again"

"Anybody on the hunt for cheap eats in Singapore would have definitely come across Saveur. They brought affordable French dining mainstream, and probably inspired the Poulet chain of restaurants. The food here is far better and cheaper.You need to come here early though or expect to queue because this place is no longer a secret and people love it. They've gone from a stall in a coffee shop to a restaurant but thankfully for us, prices have remained low."
Price Range: $5 to $15
Address: 5 Purvis Street, Talib Court #01-04, Singapore 188584

(12) Concetto by Saveur


"From the people who brought you Saveur came Concetto by Saveur. The owners aim to put the same affordable spin on Italian Food as they did on French food at Saveur and judging by all the rave reviews, they've done a pretty good job."
Price Range: $5 to $16
Address: 2 Handy Road, The Cathay #01-11/12, Singapore 229233

(13) Little Hiro


"Previously known as Burger Shack, this burger haven serves Hawaiian Japanese cuisine and is super student friendly. I used to frequent it after school and every time I went I never failed to see other students from the multitude of schools all around the area.Its pretty fool proof I guess, good burgers and great french fries for a super decent price. Students only pay $2.70 to upgrade to a meal too!"
Price Range: $5 to $10
Address: 559 Bukit Timah Road, King's Acrade #01-01, Singapore 269695

(14) The Sushi Bar


"I've heard this place been called the gem of Far East Plaza. And that's saying something because Far East Plaza, in my opinion, is paradise for students. Go with your friends and share because you'll be able to taste more incredible food and then spilt the price. You're probably going to see me there a lot."
Price Range: $3 to $15
Address: 14 Scotts Road, Far East Plaza #03-89, Singapore 228213

(15) Drury Lane


"This cafe occupies a two story shop house and I'm a huge sucker for quaint little joints as I know a lot of other people are. They serve the regular cafe food like Breakfast dishes, eggs and sandwiches but what really makes this place for me is the ambience. I think its great for a much needed chill out session after finals week or any other stressful time."
Price Range: $5 to $15
Address: 94 Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore 088515

(16) Selfish Gene Cafe


"Another cafe within a shop house, this one has also been a hot favourite amongst young and old. This place has a sky light which just basks the entire cafe in sunshine that is sure to brighten up your day no matter how bad school was.Expect lovely comfort food that will surely please. "
Price Range: $5 to $15
Address: 40 Craig Road, Singapore 08967

(17) Windowsill In The Woods


"Windowsill In The Woods first made its appearance on TSL in our Best Singapore cafes to visit. Pies. Sweet, sugary pies. None of that salty stuff. And EVERYBODY can use pies. All day, every day. Nothing makes life seem a little less stressful than a little sugar, am I right? Here you'll find artisanal pies and tarts that definitely won't get your rate up when you look at the bill. Can't say the same about your blood sugar, though. If you're not big on sweets though then they have a savoury food menu that changes every fortnight. Safe to say, no two trips here are going to be the same."
Price Range: $5 to $15
Address: 78 Horne Road, Singapore 209078

Monday 24 March 2014

Food Review: Addictions Cafe & Remedy Bar, Max Brenner Chocolate Bar

Hey Everyone!!! Beat the Monday Blues.. Check out my food reviews!!!

Last weekend, I have met with my Poly mates for dinner and chilled-out!!! We've known each other since I'm 17 years old and now 24 years old, it has been a great 7 years of friendship and still going strong!!! All these years we've changed so much, some went to work and some went to complete their study in University.. Guys already went to National Service and Ladies went to work and still working now!!! :)

HAHAHA... okay so where we've been for our dinner?? We have decided to go MARINA SQUARE to source for great food!!! So we came to this restaurant, Addictions Cafe and Remedy Bar. Food review time, basically another disappointing dinner, never gonna visit again. Although the staff are pretty friendly and prompt but the food needs a lot of improvement!!! My friends ordered Smoked Salmon Benedict Toast and it was seriously C.M.I - what does it means? CANNOT MAKE IT!!! My friends told me that the taste of Earl Grey is super strong and smoked salmon is too blend!!! OMGGGGGGGosh!!!! How can a smoked salmon doesn't taste like SMOKED SALMON????? Major fail!!! As for myself, I've ordered Crab Meat Linguine with Tomato Sauce. My first taste was pretty okay because no matter what happens to the spaghetti, it will not go wrong and I love crab meat so should be okay.. As the dish served out for too long, the taste started to be a little FISHY!!! *tongue-sticking out* Well, the only food which is so-so or better is the truffle fries.. Nothing can go wrong with that right?? Yappyapp is the best of all..

(Addictions Cafe & Remedy Bar)
Location: Marina Square, #02-105A
Food: 1 out of 5 stars
Ambiance: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Service: 3 out of 5 stars
Price: Crab Linguine $23, Smoked Salmon Benedict Toast $18-$20 (forgotten)

In order to end our dinner happily, we thought of Lady M dessert, also the main purpose of coming to Marina Square. However, it was a bit upsetting because after our disappointing dinner, we went straight away to Lady M which is few stores away and found out that there were a long queue outside their store O.O NOOOOO WAY!!! 안돼요!!! TT__________TT In the end, we went to Esplanade, Max Brenner Chocolate Bar for our delightful dessert.. For the past few years, I've been walking past this store but didn't get to try even once, I'm a chocolate sinner and I cannot live without chocolate!!! ;) When I heard my friend suggested this chocolate bar, my eyes went blink-blink and LETS GOOO!!! 가자!!!

We've ordered Banana Chocolate with Hazelnut Cream Crepe, and Churros Stick!!! Is my first time eating Churros and was soooo excited to try.. After the first bite, OHMY!!! It seriously tasted great!!! HAHAHA however just sweet a little because they have quite a lot of cinnamon and sugar on top. When you dip into the chocolate sauce or raspberry sauce.. Is seriously H.E.A.V.E.N!!! I'm really flying up!!! HAHAHA.. as for the Banana Chocolate with Hazelnut Cream Crepe.. well when you heard this name, you can imagine the taste in your mouth already.. like what food critics will describe 'mouth-watering' and indeed, I gave this dessert 5 out of 5 stars!!! A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!! The Hazelnut cream I suspect is from Nutella sauce and the Banana seriously blend very well with Dark and Milk Chocolate!!! I think I flew up in the galaxy already.. HAHAHA

(Max Brenner Chocolate Bar)
Location: Esplanade Mall, #01-06/08
Food: 5 out of 5 stars
Ambiance: 3 out of 5 stars
Service: 3 out of 5 stars
Price: Averagely $8-$10 (super price worthy)

Best picture taken of the day, 
Thanks to all my dearest peeps!!! Meet up again soon!!! 
Next stop: Staycation!!!
:) Cheers